The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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Mark's Checkbook+ (CKBK+)
Copyright 1989 (c)
Mark Alberts
7936 Depew Street
Arvada, Colorado 80003.
(303) 430-7056
Prodigy Service Id Number: TCPD06A
IBM or IBM compatible personal computer.
DOS 2.0 and up.
Hard Drive is strongly recommended.
Files Necessary
The main program....... CKBK.EXE
The screen file........ CKBK.SCN
Database Files......... CKBK.DB
Quick Start
1) Copy all necessary files to a subdirectory on your hard drive.
2) From the DOS prompt in that subdirectory type CKBK <ENTER>.
(Note: You must run this program from the directory you put it in)
3) Choose 'Browse Transactions' from the main menu.
4) Add an account (i.e. Checking Account) (current balance necessary).
5) Start adding transactions and keeping a balanced checkbook!
6) Read the rest of this if you have any problems or questions.
General Overview
The purpose of this program is to make the balancing of multiple
accounts a simple process.
This program is not for CPAs, or people who want to know where every
dime of that check for $35.67 at Target went. This program IS for
those people who hate balancing their checkbook, but want to know
where they stand.
The program is designed to keep track of checkbooks, savings
accounts, and credit accounts (credit cards). The program keeps
track of account balance, outstanding credits and outstanding debits
for each account. Transactions can be transferred between accounts.
For example, a payment from the checking account for $300 to the Visa
account (both accounts will be updated correctly).
The program allows for an unlimited number of accounts, transactions,
and transaction categories.
Accounts are divided into two groups: Assets and Liabilities.
Asset Accounts: Checkbook, Savings, etc.
A positive balance in an asset accounts indicates you
have money in that account.
A positive amount for a transaction is a deposit, a
negative amount is a withdrawal.
Liability Accounts: Visa, Master Charge, Loans, etc.
A positive balance - you owe.
A positive amount for a transaction is a
withdrawal (purchase, finance charge), a negative
amount is a deposit (payment).
What's needed for an account?
A four letter, user defined, unique code. (CKBK)
An account description (30 characters). (Checking Account 1st Bank)
Account type (Asset/Liability). (Asset)
Starting balance. $1000.00
Each transaction consists of the following:
Transaction Date (MM/DD/YY)
Reference Number (Text field - up to 8 characters)
Description (30 characters)
Amount ( +/- $9,999,999.99)
Category (user defined code)
Posting date (Mon-Yr i.e. Jun-89)
Transfer to another account (optional).
Outstanding Credits and Debits are updated if there is a
posting date.
If you choose to transfer to another account, the transaction
date, reference number, description and amount are carried over.
A different category and posting date can be applied to the new
transaction. Note: Do not use the same catagory for a transfer
as the original - they will cancel each other or double each other
on the expected catagory reports (Catagory Reports available
on next version). (For example a Check for $50.00 to make a
payment to Visa the catagory in checking might be WITHDRAWAL and the
Catagory in Visa might be PAYMENT or CREDIT.)
General Program Usage
To back out of any menu, selection screen or input always use
the escape (ESC) key.
Menus show several options available with the current
option highlighted. To select the highlighted option press the return
key (ENTER), or the first letter of the option name. To pick other
options use the arrow keys.
Selection Screens:
Selection screens are scrolling screens, usually with more options
than can be displayed on the screen at one time. (The Accounts
screen, Browse Transactions screen, etc). To select an item press
the return key (ENTER). To move to other selections use the arrow
keys or type the first letter(s) for text fields and numbers for
date and numeric fields. If letters or numbers are used the
cursor (selection bar) will go the closest match and wait for more.
(Also Note: HOME key - Top of list,
END key - Bottom of list,
PgUp, PgDn keys - One screen full)
Input Screens:
(Add/Edit Accounts, Transaction Add/Edit, etc)
Input screens are screens to input information (a transaction).
Upon completion of a field press the return key (ENTER) or TAB
key to advance to the next field. To backup use the SHIFT-TAB
combination (hold down the SHIFT key and press the TAB key).
The Program In-Depth
The Main Menu:
This is the first screen that appears when the program starts.
The main menu has two options:
║ Browse Transactions ║
║ System Control ║
Browse Transactions:
This is where everything happens. After selecting Browse
Transactions (press ENTER or 'B') the program will display
a selection screen showing all current accounts (if no accounts
have been created yet, the user will prompted to create one).
╔╡▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ Accounts ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒╞╗
║ │ ║
║CKBK│Checking Account ║
║CRLN│Car Loan (CSECU) Mazda RX-7 ║
║FB │Fashion Bar ║
║KAY │Kay Jewlers ║
║MRVY│Mervyn's ║
║NORW│Norwest Financial ║
║OVDT│Overdraft Protection L8 ║
║ │ F3 - Add F2 - Edit ║
To select an account, highlight the one you wish to view
(using the arrow keys or letters) and press enter (note: there
may be more accounts than the screen can show, if so, when the
bottom or top of list is reached the screen will scroll).
To add an account press F3 (function key).
To edit an account (account name and starting balance only)
press F2.
After an account has been select the next screen will display
that account and all transactions associated with that account.
This is a selection screen. All transactions that can fit on the
screen are displayed - more can be viewed by using the arrow and PgUp
and PgDn keys. To start off, the Transactions are sorted according to
transaction date (notice the Trn Date column is highlighted).
To change the sort order to Check # press the right arrow key
and again to sort by Description and so on up to Category.
If you are currently sorting by transaction date and
you want to find move to the transactions starting in May of '89
type in 05/01/89 (ENTER) (do not type in the slashes '/').
The Browse Screen:
Account : Checking Account (Asset Account)
Starting Balance: $ 748.49 Outstanding Credits : $ 890.57
Balance : $ 123.29 Outstanding Debits : $ 1,113.40
│Trn Date│Check #│ Description │ Amount │CTGY│Pst Dt│TAccnt│
│01/10/89│Overdft│Overdraft Withdrawal│ 100.00 │OVDT│Jan-89│ OVDT │
│01/19/89│Atm │Steak & Ale │ (31.00)│FOOD│Jan-89│ NONE │
│01/20/89│Atm │Recycle Records │ (20.67)│ENTR│Jan-89│ NONE │
│01/21/89│Atm │7-11 │ (14.50)│FOOD│Jan-89│ NONE │
│01/23/89│0833 │Ken Simmons │ (305.00)│RENT│Feb-89│ NONE │
│01/23/89│0834 │State Farm │ (106.01)│CAR │Feb-89│ NONE │
│01/23/89│0835 │CSECU │ (222.00)│CAR │Feb-89│ CRLN │
│01/23/89│0837 │U.S. West - Phone │ (38.63)│PHNE│Feb-89│ NONE │
│01/23/89│Atm │Mini Bank - Aurora │ (20.00)│FOOD│Jan-89│ NONE │
Enter - Edit F3 - Add F4 - Calc F5 - Print F7 - Delete F8 - Post F9 - Filter
F10 - Change Account Use Arrow Keys To Change Sort Order. Esc - Exit
At the bottom of the screen is all available options as follows:
Press the ENTER key to edit the highlighted transaction.
Press F3 to add a new transaction. (more on adding and
editing transactions later)
Press the F7 key to delete the highlighted transaction.
(Note: deleting a transaction with a transfer will
delete transactions in both accounts)
Press the F8 key to 'post' the highlighted transaction:
This will clear the transaction amount from Outstanding
Credits or Outstanding Debits and will use the current
processing month-year for the post date.
Press the F4 key for a 'pop-up' calculator (note this calculator
uses Reverse Polish Notation - Hewlett Packard style). To
move the calculator use the arrow keys.
Pressing the F9 key toggles the filter mode. In the filter mode
the word FILTER will appear on the lower right hand of the screen.
Only those transactions that have not been posted yet or have
been posted during the current processing month (set in system
control) will be displayed.
The F5 key is used to print out the transactions. There
are two options for printing - Full Report or Monthly. The
full report shows all transactions and a running balance. The
Monthly report does not have a running balance and only shows
outstanding transactions and transactions that have been posted
during the current processing month.
The F10 key is used to change accounts.
Adding and Editing Transactions:
The Screen:
Account : Checking Account (Asset Account)
Starting Balance: $ 748.49 Outstanding Credits : $ 890.57
Balance : $ 123.29 Outstanding Debits : $ 1,113.40
Transaction Date.............: 05/23/89
Reference Number.............: 0940 (Check Number, ATM, Etc)
Description..................: CSECU - Visa Payment
Amount.......................: $ (45.00)
Category.....................: PYMT (User Defined)
Posted To This Account?......: N (This Account Only)
Month-Year Posted............:
┌────────────────── Transfer To Another Account ────────────────────────┐
│ Transfer to Another Account..: Y Account to transfer to...: VISA │
│ Posted to this account.......: N Month-Year Posted........: │
│ Category.....................: │
The Top of the screen shows information about the account. The
rest of the screen is for information about the transaction.
The Transaction Date is the date of the transaction and it is
required. The Reference Number is for the Check number but can
be used for other purpose - this is a text field - to insure
proper sorting make every number the same length (i.e.
Check #940 would be 0940). The description can be anything. The
amount can be made negative by pressing the minus key and
switched back by the plus key. The category is picked by a user
defined list. Answering Yes to Posted To This Account? will advance
the cursor to the Month-Year Posted field - Enter the month and year
the transaction was posted (i.e. Jun-89). Answering Yes to the
Transfer to Another Account will advance the cursor to the
Account to transfer to field - Choose the account to transfer to
from the List (this will make a new transaction in the transfer
account using the same date, description, and amount. Note: deleting
a transaction with a transfer will delete both transactions).
System Control:
Use system control to set the current processing month and
year. The system will use this date as the default for filtering
and posting.
In the works for Mark's Checkbook+ include printing options
for category break downs, overall account status, year
end functions, and more.
User Registration
Registered users will be provided with:
1) An updated version of the program including features as
described above.
2) Program update notices for as long as updates are distributed.
Further program updates at a nominal cost (presently $5, but
subject to change) or by sending a formatted disk and
STAMPED return mailer to the author (preferred method).
User Registration Form
(please print)
Returning this form with a $25 check (payable to Mark Alberts)
entitles the registrant to program update notices for as long
as updates are distributed.
Please provide the following information:
First Name: _______________ Last Name: ________________________
Street: ____________________________________________________
City: ____________________________ State: ___ Zip: _______
Home Phone: ( )-____-_______ Bus. Phone: ( )-____-______
Where did you get this program? __________________________________
Any comments or suggestions ___________________________________